Fielding in Duleep Trophy 1989/90 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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VS Vats (CZo)39110
S Viswanath (SZo)2527
RV Sapru (CZo)35 5
RR Singh (SZo)25 5
M Azharuddin (SZo)24 4
SS Karim (EZo)13 3
UR Radhakrishnan (CZo)33 3
MG Chaturvedi (NZo)12 2
LS Rajput (WZo)12 2
DB Vengsarkar (WZo)12 2
PK Amre (CZo)31 1
J Arun Lal (EZo)11 1
Bantoo Singh (NZo)11 1
VB Chandrasekhar (SZo)21 1
SG Gujar (CZo)11 1
ND Hirwani (CZo)31 1
S Kumar Prasad (EZo)11 1
MS Narula (WZo)11 1
RB Parikh (WZo)11 1
SLV Raju (SZo)21 1
MV Sridhar (SZo)21 1
J Srinath (SZo)21 1
M Venkataramana (SZo)21 1
V Venkatram (EZo)11 1
JJ Zinto (WZo)11 1